Friday, June 3, 2011


Today is friday and i promised my dad i would go fishing with him so i will be doing that i think it should be fun though. Saturday Cheylene is coming over and we will hang out and then watch the game later. Sunday i am going to vernon to see some friends.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Winter-For or against

I like winter becasue i just learned how to snowboard and its really fun i also like winter because of sledding and how pretty the trees look and getting to drink hot chocloate all the time. Even though i like winter i like Summer much much better, i wish winter only lasted one or two moths hat would be better! 

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Weekend

On friday i went up to silverstar to visit some friends from the coast, i drove up with my brother Mackenzie and then we came home later that night. Saturday we drove up again and hung out there at the house they rented. We were gonna drive home that night but we got snowed in so we slept over. Sunday i went Snowboarding in the afternoon with My brother, his friend Jayden, and his friend Seth and Seth's roommate from Australlia named Richard but everyone calls him "Chops" i dont actually know why. It was really fun but i had a hard time keeping up with them becasue they are all really good and go super fast. So by the end of the night my legs felt like they were gonna fall off. Then sunday night we had Hayhurts and Allairs over for dinner that was fun too.Overall a great weekend!